Dear ILCA District Representative,
We understand that there has been a lot new lately regarding recent
developments with the ILCA approved builders. Please know that ILCA is
deeply committed to supporting our members, our athletes and our sport.
Anything we do is based on that belief and we will continue to fight for
the rights of our sailors to sail in a strict one-design class; where the
skill of the sailor determines the winner, not the quality of the boats.

The International Laser Class Association would like to thank the members,
districts, regions, class stakeholders, boatbuilders and equipment
suppliers for their tremendous response and messages of support after last
week’s announcement that ILCA is seeking new builders for the class racing
dinghy.  The response has been so overwhelming that we need to apologize to
anyone who has not received a timely response to their inquiry or message.

ILCA would like to now answer some of the numerous questions we’ve received
from ILCA members and dinghy owners as well as to correct some of the
erroneous information that is now floating around the web.  We invite
anyone with additional questions to send an email to with the term “FAQ” in the subject line so we
can try to answer them and add them to our list.

Please feel free to share the following FAQ list with your District
Members. It is also now published on the ILCA website at this link: